Change Browsers

The following tools in the Tools Menu open browser windows for working with different sets of changes: Browse Unsaved Changes, Browse Saved Changes, Browse Changes from File and Browse Recovery Log.

All change browsers consist of a selectable list of changes plus a series of commands in menus, buttons and a toolbar. Some of the commands are also available in the context or right-click menu.

  • Browse changes from file: Same as the Browse Changes from File option in the Tools Menu. Export visible
  • Export visible: Save all visible changes to a new .ch file.
  • Export selected: Save all selected changes to a new .ch file.
  • Send visible to Send visible to: Send all visible changes using your default email client. The .ch file name will be the current date and time.
  • Show User Initials / Show User Name: Switch between showing the full user name or the first letter(s) only.
  • Show all hidden changes Show all hidden changes: Display all changes hidden by previous commands.
  • Show only changes from here Show only changes from here.
  • Hide selected changes.
  • Hide unselected changes.
  • Show only changes with the selected object Show only changes with the selected object / Hide all changes with the selected object.
  • Show only changes with the selected user Show only changes with the selected user / Hide all changes with the selected user.
  • Show only changes with the selected date Show only changes with the selected date/ Hide all changes with the selected date.
  • Show only changes with the selected action Show only changes with the selected action / Hide all changes with the selected action.
  • Show only changes with the selected color Show only changes with the selected color / Hide all changes with the selected color.
  • Show only changes with the selected origin / Hide all changes with the selected origin.
  • Show Smalltalk messages: This command adds two columns where the action is displayed in the original programming language (Smalltalk). It comprises a Message column which describes the action to be performed, and an Arguments column with the necessary parameters. This is an advanced feature; you should use it only when you intend to work with scripts.
All Show and Hide commands except Show all hidden changes Show all hidden changes operate only on the currently displayed items, which means that changes already hidden will not reappear until you select Show all hidden changes. This allows you to combine several "filters", by repeatedly applying Show and Hide commands.
  • Select allSelect all.
  • Color: Create color codes for further reference by selecting a group of changes and coloring them.
  • Rename object: (Only when using Browse Changes from File.) This option allows you to modify all instances of a name throughout the currently open list of changes. It will replace all occurrences of the object name found in the Object column of the currently selected change.
  • Rename argument: (Only when using Browse Changes from File.) This option allows you to modify all instances of a name throughout the currently open list of changes. It will replace all occurrences of the object found in the Arguments column of the currently selected change.
  • Add description Add / Remove description: Enter a descriptive text associated with one or more changes. You can select more than one change to add a description. If the selected change has a description, it is displayed in a yellow bar at the bottom of the window.
  • Copy to Clipboard: Copy the selected changes to the Windows clipboard.
  • Apply Apply (button) / Apply command (context menu): Every time a change is selected in any of the change browsers, PetroVR checks that change for validation.
  • Does not validate indicates that the change does not validate (e.g., because it refers to a non-existent object, or because the action is not applicable to that kind of object). If the change validates, use the Applyoption to apply it to the current project. The change will normally be marked thus: Change applied to indicate that it was successfully applied. In special cases where a change validates but cannot be applied for some other reason this will be indicated by a Not applied mark. Note that these icons do not appear in the Browse Unsaved Changes window, where applied changes are added at the end of the list instead.
  • Update location: Update the location of any missing external file referred to in the action of the change.
  • Validation failure: If a change Does not validate does not validate, use this command to view the related validation message.
  • More / Less: Show/hide the In current project pane, where the current value of the variable involved in the change (if any) is displayed.
Drag-and-dropping a changes file from the Windows Explorer onto the PetroVR window will open them in a Change Browser.